RPA- The Glue for Supply Chain Management
The global RPA market is expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 60.5% between 2013 and 2020, reaching a value of almost US$5b in 2020, up from US$183.1m in 2013.6
How exactly can this leading technology effect change in that way supply chains have traditionally operated? What are the ground-level modifications enterprises need to make before they can dive head-first into implementing RPA in Supply Chain?
Experience Our White Paper on RPA to have a better understanding of this.
10 DEC 2018
Looking Into The Future Of RPA
RPA might be the most disruptive technology that many have never heard about. It is an overnight sensation developed over the last 10 plus years. Some say, “Hold on! It is just the relabeling of scripting or other automation tools, which have been around for 20 years.” Others say, “RPA will change the way we look at work forever.” Today, it is probably somewhere in between, but leaning toward the latter.
While RPA is still something of a new concept in supply chain management, its development in the supply chain is expected to become much more mainstream in the coming years. Whether in the automotive, healthcare, retail, or commercial food industry, companies are beginning to use RPA technology to overhaul their supply and logistics strategy to foster more lean, cost-effective operations.
The global supply chain is becoming more and more dependent on digital platforms — and RPA is poised to have a large impact. RPA is a major contributing factor to the digitization of supply chains, and its digital capacities are crucial in the performance of robust and profitable supply chains around the world. RPA allows businesses to streamline operations, build an innovative and agile supply network, and become more responsive to constantly evolving client demands and global market requirements. As its adoption continues, RPA will enable businesses to more effectively manage their growing operations and distribution networks on a global scale.
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Adita Badiyani, is the Associate Lead Developer of Solutions & Innovations function of ESSPL. She has a total experience of close to 7.5 years across various emerging technologies like RPA, Voice Integrated system apart Sharepoint and .Net etc